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Bailey Weirens

Availability: Limited - Only a few spots available


You are most likely to find in my lunch box:

Honestly, I am a huge lover of potatoes (most of my past clients and coworkers are aware of my passion), so likely a meal including a variation of potato. That could be mashed potatoes, french fries, tator tots, baked potato, etc - they are so versatile! 


If I were trying to impress my dinner guests, I would make:

Tator Tot Hotdish all the way or a solid bowl of chili.


Yearbook quote: "I will never stop giving you standing ovations, for the parts of yourself that you haven't learned to clap for yet"

My Story

I always knew that I wanted to be in a helping field, especially something medically related. I quickly learned that certain aspects of becoming a doctor were not the right fit for me, so I felt uncertain of my next steps. 


Personally, I knew a handful of loved ones who struggled with eating disorders, and I clearly recall as an adolescent questioning, “Why can’t they eat food? It’s so good!” I knew instinctively that there had to be more, so I sought out what the “more” could be. In my educational and professional development, I realized how complex the “more” was. To have learned what I know now, I feel a strong drive to not only support eating disorder recovery but also to intentionally challenge the deeply-rooted diet culture that we live in. I hope I can walk alongside you, whether that is your eating disorder journey or the journey of recreating your relationship with food and body.


What to expect in our first meeting: 

Getting to know you, your journey, the direction you hope to head and overall rapport building! Nutrition education, counseling and support is enhanced when there is human connection.


What I hope you will get from our work: 

Feelings of empowerment in the tough work you're doing, and direction that is collaborative and encouraging. 

Areas of Experience

  • Eating Disorders

  • Disordered Eating

  • Body Image Work

  • Health At Every Size (HAES) 

  • Intuitive Eating



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